February 19, 2014

My LCHF Lifestyle - Weeks 21 and 22

My LCHF journey has passed the 20 weeks milestone. I feel like I have to once again give praise to LCHF, as it is really easy to follow and is very effective. My friends are getting used to the fact that if they don't see me for two weeks, I will look a bit different. But now, fitness experts, personal trainers and even doctors that I know are amazed by my results. Remember, I've been putting down on average 0,85kg every week or 3,78kg every month by eating normally, never being hungry and exercising only when I felt to. There are no special rituals, insane schedules, mental exercises, secret recipes or whatnot. Just one simple rule. Don't eat food high on carbohydrates.

The past two weeks have been pretty much stagnant. I think it is because I finally got over my sickness that I had in January. I ate more than usual and I was making sure to have high percentage of fat in my meals. So without further ado, here are my numbers.

My weight and waistline progress in the past 22 weeks (click on an image for better resolution). In this time, I have lost over 17 kilograms! More than on any other diet ever!

(Feb 17th 2014)
2 weeks ago
(Feb 3rd 2014)
Day 1
(Sep 20th 2013)
(2 weeks)
(since day 1)

Even though it seems this week was no progress in terms of weight, I am pretty happy with the results. Especially with continuing decrease of waistline, which seems that it is always slightly behind my weight. I am noticing a pattern that usually when my weight goes down quickly (which was happening in December and January), waistline doesn't follow that quickly. But then, weight loss stops a bit and at that time, waistline goes down. I can't really explain why it is so, but as long as the numbers go down, I'm happy.

In other news: interesting proposal from our politics

Slovenia is currently in the process of appointing a new minister for health. One of the candidates proposed, among other things, to "impose duty tax on beverages high on sugar and on fatty foods". I didn't manage to find out what exactly she means by "beverages high on sugar" and "fatty foods". Basing on all the information available, experiments and also my own experience, I believe that taxing foods AND beverages with high content of sugar AND investing the tax money into unbiased preventive programs would bring huge benefits to our health. At the same time, it would considerably lower the currently approx. 20 million EUR bill that Slovenia is paying each and every year for diabetes treatment only.

On the same note, I am sincerely hoping that her quote "fatty foods" is a figure of speech. Anyone who who digs into nutritional values of fast food chains products knows that the real problem is high levels of sugar and fructose that are added to pretty much every single product. If she means to tax this, I am perfectly fine with it. But if she meant real fatty foods, such as bacon, butter, coconut oil, nuts and such, then I'm not sure what will be left for us. Kale and chicken, perhaps?

P.S.: Despite a political note, this still is a blog about healthy and effective ways of losing weight, not on politics, hence I am not posting any links and pictures on this subject.

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