February 6, 2014

My LCHF Lifestyle - Weeks 16 - 20

Hello dear followers of my blog. I start this post by expressing my feelings of guilt, as I haven't written anything for nearly a month. Some people were asking me if I have quit after hitting the 100kg milestone, but I can assure you that far from that. I was very busy and also a bit sick throughout January and I couldn't catch any time for writing about my progress. I can assure you that I am still strictly following LCHF diet, eating fat, avoiding carbs and daily measuring my weight and waistline. I have also been neglecting my Tips & Motivation articles, but now I have good news for that as well. A fourth article is nearly finished and I expect to publish it this weekend. Meanwhile, you can catch up on the three existing articles, as I am developing an idea throughout all the articles.

Here's the summary of my progress. Never before I have been losing weight so quickly, and that is hugely motivating for me. Unlike previous diets which had quick progress in the beginning, but then it started declining, LCHF seems to just go down pretty much linearly. In the start of 2014, I was celebrating the 100kg milestone, while only a month later, I am already below 95kg! Isn't that awesome?

My weight and waistline progress in the past 20 weeks (click on an image for better resolution). In this time, I have lost 17 kilograms! More than on any other diet ever!

(Feb 3rd 2014)
4 weeks ago
(Jan 6th 2014)
Day 1
(Sep 20th 2013)
(4 weeks)
(since day 1)

What was happening in January?

Throughout the entire January, I have experienced the fastest and also the longest consistent rate of weight loss, which is also clearly visible on the progress graph. Partially, this is due to the fact that I was sick for one week and in this time I hardly ate anything. But also when I was healthy, I often ate only once a day and had very low daily caloric intake. I don't fully understand why it was like this, but I'm pointing out that all this time, I ate as much as I felt I needed. I other words, I was never hungry, never deliberately starved myself and never felt like being down and without energy. Throughout the month, I also had pretty high ketone levels, which is an indication that I took all the missing energy from my fat repositories without me really noticing. All in all, great experience and I am now pushing towards the nineties by the end of February.

In other news: the great dietary self-experimenter Sam Feltham strikes again!

Do you remember Sam Feltham from smashthefat.com? He is doing plenty of very interesting dietary experimenting and daily posting a video with his progress and experience. He has already done a very high calorie LCHF diet, a very high calorie junk food diet and a normal calorie LCHF diet experiments. The results suggest that if one follows LCHF diet, he can eat huge amounts of calories and still maintain his weight. On the other hand, eating junk food loaded with carbs (especially fructose), weight goes up very quickly. Now, he is doing his fourth experiment in which he is doing 5.000 calories per day on a vegan diet, for 21 days. At the moment, he is on day 16. So far, he gained 4,2kg and 8cm of waistline. Comparing with his other experiments, he gained significantly more weight that on high calorie LCHF diet and less weight than on high calorie junk food diet. But what I find very surprising is a huge gain in waistline which is similar to his gain when he was loading carbs. So, it seems that at least for Sam Feltham, effects of a vegan diet are more similar to high carb diet than to LCHF diet.

Also, after 16 days of vegan diet, Sam is reporting decreased physical performance and fatigue. Being a personal trainer, he is physically very active and he is now reporting to have less energy, especially in activities that require stamina. This is very much on a contrary to what I have heard from many vegans, which keep saying that after turning vegan, they lost weight and increased their physical performance. But, in my experience, vegans I know are so convinced by their way that I find their capabilities of being objective questionable. You can also see Sam's report for yourself on below video and you can also check his full report on his video blog.

Personally, I am not deciding on anything, just pointing out that there are also different experience related to vegan diet. No matter what Sam's final results will be, I am quite certain that LCHF results will not be even nearly reached, so I'm keeping up with butter, pork fat, french cheese and other delicious goodies.

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