November 12, 2013

My LCHF lifestyle - week 8

50 days or roughly 8 weeks have past since my decision to make considerable changes in my diet and also in my habits related to health. I decided to go LCHF, which stands for low carb - high fat and of course, it refers to the amount of macronutrients that I eat. In the past 7 weeks, I made excellent progress without ever being hungry, bored with food or overexercised. Strangely for someone who doesn't (or wouldn't) understand LCHF, my progress has been much better than on previous diets where I was often hungry, quickly got bored with food that was allowed to eat and my muscles were sore all the time from exercising.

My weight and waistline progress in the past 8 weeks.
In the past two weeks, there seems to be a bit of a plateau
going on, but I'm not worried.


Today (Nov 11th 2013):105,0kg
7 days ago (Nov 4th 2013):106,0kg
LCHF Day 1 (Sep 20th 2013):112,0kg
Weekly progress:-0,4kg
Absolute progress:-7,0kg

In comparison to last week, I am 0,4kg down. And I am especially happy to reach a big psychological milestone at 105,0kg. Once last week, I saw 104,9kg on the scale, but I always take 3 or 4 measurements and average them to get more reliable results.

Would you also like to loose 10cm in 8 or so weeks? The science
is on your side, just get over your idea that you couldn't do
without deserts, fruits, soft drinks, sugar in your coffee...!


Today (Nov 11th 2013):116,5cm
7 days ago (Nov 4th 2013):116,5cm
LCHF Day 1 (Sep 20th 2013):126,0cm
Weekly progress:0,0cm
Absolute progress:-9,5cm

Despite I lost a bit of weight, my waistline remains constant at 116,5cm. I am not worried though, because I am starting to notice changes all over my body. My face is getting leaner, my joints are narrowing and I am having a funny feeling every time I drive my car. My car seat seems to be getting bigger :). 9,5 centimeters in 8 weeks is plenty. Just take out a ruler and see what it means.

St. Martin's day

On an LCHF diet, you can clearly enjoy all
the joys of St. Martin's day with no
consequences on a scale.
I am dedicating this week's post to a day that I like a lot. It is November 11th, St. Martin's day. In Slovenia, it is a holiday of all winemakers, since on that day, grape juice turns into wine. And, because I love wine, it is also a very important day for me. It means spending a great time with friends, with great food and great wine. But in the past years, there was also a downside of St. Martin's: I gained weight. This year however, as you can see on my progress chart, it remained steady. Even though I ate all the goodies (except carbohydrates, of course) and had all the wine I could wish for. Not bad for a "holiday diet", don't you think? :)

Plans for week 9

After a holiday weekend full of celebrations and parties, I am going to take it easy this week. I'll keep watch on following the 80-20-150 formula, be on 3 meals per day and aim for about 2200 calories of daily consumption. I am not going to worry about my weight, since even 0,5kg per week along with having all this culinary fun is an excellent progress. I "hedonize" and loose weight at the same time!!! :)

I wish you a nice, successful and healthy week!

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