October 7, 2013

My third week on LCHF

My LCHF statistics. Blue is weight in kilograms,
red is waistline in centimeters
I am through my third week and I am happy to report that things are going great! LCHF is so easy! I am never hungry, I eat properly good food and in the last three weeks, I haven't made a single error in following the diet. In fact, I have absolutely no desire nor thoughts to do so, because eating what I am eating now is sooooo gooood :)!

I lost another 0.6kg and am now on 107.6kg. My waistline is down 1.5cm. Altogether, I lost 2.6 kilograms and 5cm of waistline in three weeks.

I am especially happy about my waistline. Just take a string and measure 5 centimeters. It's shows! Isn't it incredible? Three weeks of eating tasty food like eggs, butter, pork products, cheese, oil, vegetables... No calorie counting, no schedule, no hunger and no cravings.

In addition to my diet, I also did two intense training sessions in the fitness studio, because I just felt like doing it. Every time after training, my weight stagnated for two days, which I believe is due to muscle growth and perhaps some additional water that is retained in muscles. But overall, 600 grams in a week is a great result, especially paired by a nice drop of waistline. I think I'll have to start looking for new pants soon :).

Grilled squid filled with mozzarella and ham.
Yet another reason why I love LCHF!
I was also made plenty of blood sugar measurements at different times of day. Since the objective of LCHF is to always keep blood sugar low, I was measuring it after meals in order to see how they affect me. I am happy to say that whenever I measured (and I did it a lot), my blood sugar was always between 78 and 92 mg/dl (which is between 4.3 and 5.1 mmol/L). This is well within normal limits, since it is considered normal to have fasting blood sugar between 70 and 100 mg/dl. So, to have blood sugar of 88 mg/dl after eating a nice portion of squid, filled with ham and mozzarella and topped with mayonnaise is pretty awesome. Later that week, even a sweet home-made panna cotta and a bottle of wine didn't raise it above 92 mg/dl. Awesome!!!

I also started writing an article about the third myth, which is about fatty food being bad for our cardiovascular system. Unless you have some special and rare genetic predisposition (and if you do, I suppose that you are already aware of that), this myth is really just a myth. It is totally wrong, low carb-high fat diets are in fact beneficial. However, it requires to understand a lot of complicated biochemistry processes it will take me a little bit more time to write it down for you in a simple and understandable way.

That's my experience of this week. It's going awesome and I'm looking forward for more. If you're interested in anything else I haven't written about or wish to say anything, feel free to put it into comments. Cheers!

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