September 22, 2013

My first week on LCHF

My first week of LCHF is over and it started out great. Not just because I am being allowed to eat all the tasty stuff such as eggs, butter, bacon, cheese, full fat milk, sour cream and vegetables with lots of oil on top. In the whole week, I was never hungry and every meal was a treat. I didn't have to change my daily nutritional routine. That's an important factor for me, since I am very busy at work and prefer to eat close to the office. I keep going in the same restaurants for lunch as I have before and it's easy for me to find something I like and which is at the same time "LCHF compatible". In fact, so far I haven't found a single LCHF dish which the part of my brain, responsible for fun, would say no to.

What did I eat? For breakfast, 2 eggs a day, with a spoon of bacon cubes and cooked in 1/2 tablespoon of butter or coconut oil (cold pressed). Sometimes, I added some cheese and/or a glass of full fat milk (non pasteurized and non homogenized, straight from a cow). For lunch, I was going for a piece of meat, fatty sauces and vegetables. If it felt dry, I simply added olive oil. For dinner, I had things like smoked salmon, mackerel, sausage, bacon, French cheeses and every now and then a bit of baked vegetables (paprika, zucchini, aubergines, onions and garlic).
The only things with more carbohydrates that I ate this week was a one piece of vegan (raw) mango cake with no flour or sugar, but sweetened with agave syrup instead, and two cups of barely sweetened cocoa. I started drinking coffee with caffeine again (have been off it for 2 years). Black, no milk, no sugar nor other sweeteners. Put this stuff all together and what you get surely is a cardiovascular doctor's nightmare.

I lost 2 kilograms. This Sunday morning, I had 109,8kg.

I am noticing some changes in the way how my body works. I am more regularly thirsty and for the first time in my life, I totally prefer water over any other beverage. Before, drinking plain water made me feel sick and even more thirsty. Also, my sense of taste changed. I am better at tolerating bitter flavors and am starting to prefer black coffee over-cafe latte. I am becoming more sensitive to sweet flavors. That piece of cake I ate felt really sweet, much more than when I had it a few months ago, when I was eating carbs and protein. Especially in the first few days, I needed plenty of sleep (8 hours a night). I slept great, having very vivid and colorful dreams. I read on some blog that some LCHF beginners experience very vivid dreams, but that it goes away after a while. Myself, I liked them a lot and I hope they will stay.

I was never hungry, apart from the normal feeling of hunger before meal.

I don't feel to be on a diet at all - more like taking a break from one. I will most definitively keep on going it.

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