October 28, 2013

My LCHF lifestyle - week 6

Week 6 is over and here is an update of my progress. You may remember that last week I came to a plateau and that my suspicions were aimed towards me not eating enough fat. For this reason, I was extra careful this week and managed to get 80% of all calories from fat. Presumably, this resulted in ketosis and as a result, my progress is back on a fast track.

My weight and waistline progress in the past 6 weeks.
I was strict on ketogenic diet and it shows in increased
rate of progress.


Today (Oct 28th 2013):106,0kg
7 days ago (Oct 21th 2013):107,8kg
LCHF Day 1 (Sep 20th 2013):112,0kg
Weekly progress:-1,8kg
Absolute progress:-6,0kg

As you can see, I lost 6 kilograms altogether and 1,8 kilograms since last Monday. This means that my progress is similar to the one I had in the first two weeks. I'm very happy for that!


Today (Oct 28th 2013):118,5kg
7 days ago (Oct 21th 2013):119,5kg
LCHF Day 1 (Sep 20th 2013):126,0kg
Weekly progress:-1,0cm
Absolute progress:-7,5cm

For the third week in a row, my waistline is keeping going down at a steady pace of 1cm per week. Fantastic!!!

My blood markers

It has been a month since I started testing my blood for glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol.
Last monthTodayChange
Glucose (mg/dl)85 - 9582 - 88lower levels
Triglyceridesnot measured149/

As you can see, a month ago I had normal glucose, very high cholesterol and unknown triglycerides. Today, glucose levels are even lower and kept rather constant throughout the day. My triglycerides are just at the top of the recommended limit, which is 150mg/dl. My cholesterol dropped from 284mg/dl to 234mg/dl, which means it went from "high" to "elevated". I am aiming for below 200mg/dl, which is recommended.

The food that is apparently making my blood vessels
and my heart very happy. My typical shopping cart.
I fell very confident to say that replacing carbohydrates with fat is very beneficial for my cholesterol and triglycerides. Two our of three markers are in the safe zone, while the third one is approaching it very quickly. Unfortunately, I can't find any data to compare my drop of cholesterol. It would be interesting to see monthly changes of cholesterol of people who went on different kinds of diets. Also, I am planning to visit my doctor for a more detailed analysis, namely LDL and HDL levels. I am certain that the levels are OK or at least very nearly there, but I feel responsibility to really check it out.

Plans for week 7

Following the 80-20-150 rule in week 6 turned out fantastic results and I will definitively keep it going. I am feeling fantastic, without hunger and cravings. I don't miss bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and other food rich in carbohydrates, and at the same time, I am loving my eggs, bacon, cream, mayo, fish, home made almond butter.

That's it for this week's report. If you like this blog, please share it on Facebook and/or Twitter and spread the word to everyone struggling with obesity, cholesterol and whatnot. It is really easy, just click the social network icon below. Also, if you would like to comment on what I am saying or suggest a diet-related topic you are interested in, feel free to put in in the comments below.

I wish you a nice, successful and healthy week!

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