January 6, 2014

My LCHF lifestyle - week 16

My LCHF journey continues in 2014. This is my first status update this year, but not my first article. If you haven't yet heard of my little side project, the 12 nature rules of weight loss, where I explore psychological aspects of weight loss, feel free to check them out. At the moment, the first three rules are published and I add a new rule every two weeks. You will find the articles under tab Tips & Motivation.

It's been 16 weeks now and boy I have good news! This morning, the scale couldn't quite decide between 99,9kg and 100,0kg. After a few repeated measurements, it averaged out on 100,0kg! Yes!!! I have finally reached the 100,0kg line. I can't remember exactly when was the last time I stepped on a scale and it showed less than 100,0kg. I think it must have been around 2006. After 8 years of trying all sorts of things, I'm back, and I'm totally certain I'll keep on going. Now, let's look at the numbers.

My weight and waistline progress in the past 16 weeks (click on an image for better resolution). In this time, I have lost 12 kilograms! More than on any other diet ever!

(Jan 6th 2014)
2 weeks ago
(Dec 23rd 2013)
Day 1
(Sep 20th 2013)
(2 weeks)
(since day 1)

Photos of "My big fat Christmas dinner" meals

Two weeks ago, just before Christmas, I published my Christmas menu. 4 delicious courses, all made in an LCHF fashion. It wasn't totally hard-core LCHF, as carbs were slightly over 20 grams, but not that much. Here are the pictures. Everything was home-cooked from basic ingredients.

Light mousse of celery and green apple

Parsley soup cooked in strong home made beef stock

Veal loin filled with porcini and cottage cheese, topped with home made beef sauce with plenty of butter

Low carb orange cake

Thank you for following this blog and giving me feedback! It helps me stay motivated and focused on new content. Expect more in about a week. Cheers!!!